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Magic of Compounding

The “Rice grain on chess board story” is a popular analogy used to explain the power of compounding. The story goes like this: Once upon a time, a servant demands his king to offer him one grain of rice for the first square of a chessboard, two grains for the second square, four grains for the third, and so on, doubling the number of grains for each square until all 64 squares have been filled as a token of his lifelong service to his King.

At first, the king may think that the servant’s demand is not so great, as the number of grains increases slowly. But as the King moves through the chessboard, the number of grains increases exponentially. By the time they reach the 64th square, the number of grains had grown to over 18 quintillion weighing over 461 billion metric tons ! The cost of buying this much amount of rice would cost over $300 Trillion US dollars. The wealth of the entire planet would fall short if you want to buy this much amount of rice !

This story illustrates the power of compounding, which is the ability of an asset to generate returns not only on the initial investment, but also on the reinvested returns. The chessboard represents the timeline of an investment, and each square represents a year. The rice grains represent the returns on the investment, which start small but grow larger as the years go by

The key takeaway from this story is that compounding is a powerful force that can turn small investments into large sums over time. The earlier one starts to invest, the more time compounding has to work its magic. It’s important to note that, just like the story, the power of compounding takes time to work, and it’s not necessarily a get-rich-quick scheme.

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Money Mindset and Math

Engineering Wealth

Bestseller book "Money Mindset and Math" by Shubham Saxena

@copyright 2023

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Money Mindset and Math

Unlocking Financial Freedom through Mindset and Action

About the Book

“If you took all the money and divide it equally among everybody, it would soon be back in the same pockets as it was before”.

This quote highlights the idea that true wealth and financial success is not simply a matter of having more money, but rather a combination of mindset, education and action. This book addresses this by providing readers with the tools and strategies they need to develop a wealth-creating mindset, understand key financial concepts, and take action to achieve financial freedom.

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Available as eBook and Paperback

The book is divided into two parts: Part 1 focuses on achieving financial freedom through mindset and Part 2 focuses on achieving financial freedom through action.

Part 1: Achieving Financial Freedom through Mindset
In Part 1, the book begins by introducing the concepts of financial literacy and financial freedom, and the difference between financial security and financial freedom. It then delves into the role of emotions in financial decision-making and the influence of upbringing and society on money attitudes. The book also covers the importance of financial planning and budgeting, as well as the shift from a saving mindset to an investing mindset. The book provides readers a solid understanding of key financial concepts such as assets and liabilities, active income vs passive income and personal income statement and covers the power of compounding and Warren Buffet’s journey to the top.

Part 2: Achieving Financial Freedom through Action
In Part 2, the book focuses on the practical aspect of achieving financial freedom by covering the importance of learning to do the math, using Excel for financial calculations and retirement planning. The book also covers the Wealth Creation Hut, where it covers the various types of investment vehicles available to investors and the importance of diversifying one’s portfolio with alternative investments. The book also covers the topic of investment in the stock market, where it covers the difference between long-term investing and short-term speculation and the different investment philosophies available. The book concludes with a section on what not to do as a long-term investor.

Overall, “Money Mindset and Math: Unlocking Financial Freedom Using Mindset and Action” is a valuable guide for anyone looking to achieve financial freedom and become financially literate. With its combination of mindset and action, it provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts and practical strategies they need to achieve financial freedom.

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Money Mindset and Math

Engineering Wealth

Bestseller book "Money Mindset and Math" by Shubham Saxena

@copyright 2023

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